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Lowell, MA 

Over Thirty Baseball, Inc.
COVID-19 Specific Non-Game Guidelines

General Requirements

  • All players and visitors are asked to maintain social distancing of 6 feet/2 meters whenever feasible.
  • Greetings such as shaking of hands or other greetings that do not allow for the 6 feet/2 meter social distance shall be strongly discouraged.
  • Cleaning of common and high touch areas shall be performed with cleaners that are effective against COVID-19.

  • Hand sanitizer will be provided for players.

  • All players and visitors are asked to complete self-assessments and follow the guidelines provided.

  • All players and visitors are asked to wear face coverings at all times, except when eating and drinking pursuant to State requirements.

  • Implement Passive Screening at all locations. Managers should observe players at all times and evaluate players with symptoms. Any player exhibiting symptoms should be reviewed and directed to leave the field unless symptoms are a result of a known condition.

  • Baseballs may present a significant contact hazard during practices. Players are highly encouraged to utilize hand sanitizer often and avoid touching their face while in the field.

  • Players must sign an attendance log if they are present for practice.

  • No more than one team may practice at one time. No more than 25 players may gather in one area.

  • If local regulations are more stringent than these guidelines, local requirements must be followed.

Playing Field

  • Fielders are required to wear face coverings while in the field if social distancing is not feasible.

  • Batters and base runners (if any) are required to wear face coverings while in the field if social distancing is not feasible.

  • Shared water coolers or drinks shall not be used. Players shall be responsible for bringing their own drinks to stay hydrated.

  • Equipment shall remain separated from each player and there will be no sharing of bats, gloves, catching equipment, etc.

  • Catchers shall not be used during batting practice or any time with a batter in the batter’s box to allow for 6 foot distancing.

  • No seeds or chewing tobacco allowed. Spitting is strongly discouraged.

Non-Game is defined as scheduled league practices held on Sunday mornings on OTB fields in preparation to start the Regular Season. This is not intended for practices held by individuals on their own or with other team members.

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