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Lowell, MA 

Over Thirty Baseball, Inc.
COVID-19 Positive Test Contingency Plan

Over Thirty Baseball, Inc. (OTB) cares about the safety of our players, umpires, and visitors, and will use the following guidelines in the event we receive a report of a positive or presumed positive test from our members.

General Guidelines

To protect our membership (and potentially their families, friends, and co-workers) from the Coronavirus we have implemented several guidelines that must be followed. These include gameday protocols, non-game protocols, and self-assessments. This document was developed to provide guidance to OTB in the event a member tests positive or is presumed positive for Coronavirus. This guideline is not to be used for members reporting possible symptoms or not reporting to an OTB activity due to completing the OTB COVID-19 Self-Assessment Questionnaire.


  1. So that we may share urgent exposure information we recommend our members notify OTB Leadership (see Step 7 below) if they have tested positive for the Coronavirus/Covid 19.

  2. This is not a requirement, however we feel it is prudent so that we may in turn advise other members who may have been in close contact and may be exposed.

  3. Our process will start with the protection of the identity of all positive or presumed positive cases. At no time shall a member’s identity be disclosed during this process beyond the OTB officers.

  4. Once a positive test report is received, details of the report shall be documented on a COVID-19 Case Tracker spreadsheet which shall remain confidential. The tracker shall document all pertinent details including, but not limited to, symptoms and positive test dates.

  5. Using incident details (not including identity) OTB Leadership shall advise any member who was possibly exposed within the 14 days prior to that positive test. Those members may then use that information to assess themselves (and others they may have in turn exposed) with their physician.

  6. Any positive cases developed from this information sharing (Step 5 above) would trigger a new process starting with Step 1 above for each individual member.

  7. OTB Leadership can be reached at 978-746-6232 or by emailing:


  1. To proactively protect all members that may have been exposed, the team of that positive member along with the team that competed against them shall be taken off the schedule for the immediate next game.

  2. Members testing positive shall not be allowed to return to OTB activities until a 14 day quarantine has been completed, they are no longer symptomatic, and/or they received a negative test.

  3. These details shall be documented in the confidential case tracker.

 Click the icon to download a printable PDF of this document.